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Mrs Bland’s Infant and Nursery School

Community, Curiosity, Creativity and Challenge


Vision statement

Community - As part of Mrs Bland’s, children have a sense of belonging and can be themselves, fit in and feel safe in who they are and understand that respect and tolerance are essential to our diverse community.

Curiosity – That children develop a passion and desire to find out and know more about the world around them.

Creativity - Mrs Bland’s is a stepping stone for our children to develop into independent, imaginative and innovative learners.

Challenge - The children will be empowered to embrace challenges, realise their strengths and celebrate their achievements and develop confidence and resilience in their learning.

Mission Statement

The school will provide a challenging, broad and creative curriculum which will actively encourage, motivate and develop the talents of everyone in the school through:

  • Developing the children’s oracy skills to ensure they are confident and articulate communicators
  • Children knowing that they are all unique and special and this is celebrated and embraced
  • Committing to the emotional, physical, mental health and well-being of the school community, everyone develops the knowledge and skills required to keep safe, healthy, happy and thrive in the future.
  • Children having opportunities to express themselves through the creative arts
  • Developing interest, knowledge, and skills of the outdoors
  • Enhancing the quality of education through high quality adult interaction and specialist teaching
  • Applying their learning through practical experiences such as: cookery, gardening, woodwork, performing arts and educational visits


Image of Mrs Blands logo