School News 19th Nov 21
From musical instruments to Mozart, from money to maths and ict to hama bead designs you've got to catch up on the news this week!
From musical instruments to Mozart, from money to maths and ict to hama bead designs you've got to catch up on the news this week!
Lots of fun things happening this week, check out our newsletter
Our first week back after half term break so lots of exciting things to hear about!
Popcorn and marshmallows, Home made biscuits and birds of prey make up the exciting news this week
Plenty of exciting news this week, dive in!
Birdfeeders, Dragon tales, Bridge building and so much more to see in this week's newsletter
Bulb planting, old tyres and planks, tiger stories and a write-up of a school visit, Intrigued? Then take a look at this week's newsletter.
Outside visits, garden planting, Maths and English, we've had a full on week for you to read about!
A school photograph reminder, meet the teacher meetings and a call for obstacle course materials, it's a real school/home partnership week!
Welcome Back to School!
Our end of term newsletter before a well earned summer holiday!
End of Term is fast approaching, you'll find lots of useful info in this weeks newsletter as well as confirmation of Term dates.