School News 2nd July 21
Sports week, Consultation week, Raffles and News, lots to make note of this week!
Sports week, Consultation week, Raffles and News, lots to make note of this week!
The big push to the end of term! We're so busy you need to catch up with the latest goings-on now!
Sun hats, sun cream and outdoor learning, the summer has arrived!
Tombola, Sports week and our alternative open afternoon via Teams, the latest news is now available in this week's school newsletter.
The last newsletter before our half term break, catch up with the latest news
A large variety of goings-on at school this week, check out the newsletter!
It's so busy what with insect hunting and bug hotels to make!
Spring is in the air and Easter is on the way
Get up to date with Red nose day, Class news and upcoming Crazy hair Day.
Our first week back at school!
Hurrah, we're back in school on the 8th March!
With Spring just around the corner our themes have turned to the outdoors