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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Mrs Bland’s

All children are special! However, some children require more particular provision and may need to work in smaller groups or receive more dedicated adult support at some stage during their time at our school.

All children learn in different ways and make differing rates of progress. Some children find learning harder than others, perhaps in reading, writing, maths or developing social skills and may need more help and support to make progress. If it is the case that a child has greater difficulty in learning than most of the children of the same age or needs support that is additional or different to the others in their class, then they are said to have special educational needs (SEN).

Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are educated in their local mainstream school and should be given support with their learning to help them make progress. The support they are given is called SEN Support.

Our aim is to identify areas where children may be under achieving or having learning difficulties at an early stage. We work in partnership with parents to identify areas of need and plan for their provision in class and any additional interventions and support. We used a range of interventions, alongside quality first teaching to support individual needs.

Interventions and targeted support may be delivered on a one-to-one basis or in a small group. Programmes and interventions are reviewed, monitored and adapted regularly by the inclusion manager and class teacher to make sure that they are successful in meeting the child's individual needs.

We have a range of staff who support children:

Miss Cox is our ELSA and Learning Mentor – What is an ELSA? Our dedicated ELSA page gives all the details of this important role.

Our Learning Mentor also supports children’s social and emotional needs, but she works with children who may have specific barriers to learning, e.g. refugees or children who have newly arrived to the UK and require support with English.

Mrs Goby is our Reading Support teacher and SEN teacher

Mrs Fox is our SENDCo -who oversees SEN provision. She works in partnership with teachers and teaching assistants and a range of external educational specialists as required, including Educational Psychologist, Physiotherapists, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Autism Advisory Teachers, Behaviour Support team, Emotional Health Academy, CAMHS etc

Mrs Pickering is our Inclusion Manager/SENDCo across the whole of the Federation.

To email the SENDCO - please contact the school office.

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Mrs. Bland's Infant and Nursery School | West Berkshire Directory

Please see SEND Policy and SEND Information Report below