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Our school policies page gives access to important documents and information that will help you understand the procedures the school follows to meet various statutory regulations and its own internal policies.  Should you require any further information or guidance please contact the school office.

Please click on the policy document below, the page will either open in a browser if on a computer or allow you to download a pdf file if on a smaller mobile device. 

Our policy documents are arranged in alphabetical order. 

(Please see all Safeguarding Policies on the separate Safeguarding page)

Accessibility Plan May 2023 (review24)

Assessment Policy (May 23)

Charging and Remissions Policy (Dec 23-BC)

Early Years Foundation Stage  Policy 2022

Equality Policy 2020 - 2024

GDPR and Data Policy 2021

Handwriting and Presentation Policy Sep 2021

Health and Safety Policy 2020-2023

Home School Agreement 2021

Management of Medicines Policy 2023

Marking and Feedback Policy (July 22)

Nursery and Pre-Nursery admissions policy 2021 (review24)

Positive Behaviour Policy 2022 (review24)

Pupil Premium Strategy Plan (2023-2024)

Pupil Privacy Notice - Data Protection

Relationship and Sex Education Policy (Updated Mar 24)

Responsible use of  Internet and School Network

School Complaints Procedure 2021(review24)

School Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

School Financial Benchmarking Exercise 2021-22

SEND Policy 2023

Sports Funding 2022 - 2023

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions 2021 (reviewed 5/22)

Taking a Holiday in Term Time

Teaching and Learning Policy

Volunteer Policy 2022

West Berkshire Council Policies

WBC Publication Scheme (2014 v5)

WBC School Record Retention Policy