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Outdoor Learning


Image of children in a field of long grass

Outdoor Learning aims to promote the holistic development of children such as resilience, confidence, independence and creativity


We teach outdoor learning so that children have hands on experiences through which they develop their understanding and application of our school values and successful learning skills. All outdoor learning is plannedimage of children playing games on school yard around the curriculum currently being studied, which gives depth, enrichment and an outdoor perspective for our children. We want children to have the opportunity to be able to explore and learn outside throughout the year,  experiencing the seasons and changing nature around them. We recognise that many of our children do not get the equal opportunities outside school to experience the outdoors and nature. This is why outdoor learning is central in our curriculum.

Our intent with outdoor learning is to:

  • Provide opportunities to help develop self-esteem and confidence through hands-on learning experiences, allowing choices to be made and risks to beimage of children watering plants understood and taken.
  • Encourage creativity and collaboration.
  • Encourage a respect for the natural environment and wildlife.  
  • Support children’s mental health and wellbeing.
  • Let children be children.



To ensure that this outdoor learning curriculum reaches the high standards ofimage of children with play parachute teaching and learning that we pride ourselves on at Mrs. Bland’s, we have designed and implemented a progressive curriculum that begins in Nursery and continues and grows until children leave in Year 2.  

We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. Outdoor learning is planned to enrich and enhance the children’s in-school learning experiences. Children also have opportunities to learn specific outdoor skills which image of child lighting fire pitlink closely to successful learning/learning to learn. For example, using flint and steel to light fires teaches them about fire safety; respect for the environment, themselves and others; working within safe boundaries which they learn to recognise and manageimage of child cutting sticks themselves; self-regulation - all this stems directly from our school vision… enabling all to flourish in our world. Outdoor learning takes place weekly on our school grounds, where the children have a range of different areas to explore throughout the year – garden, meadow and pond.  


By the time children leave Mrs Bland’s in Year 2 they will:

  • Have enjoyed hands on experiences learning outdoors, which will add to their understanding and learning of a wide variety of curriculum areas.
  • Have developed imagination and creativity through exploration of the outdoors
  • Have developed resilience through challenging activities and working in all weathers
  • Have developed co-operation skills through team work
  • Have an understanding of nature, the world around us, growing plants and vegetables
  • Have contributed to the development of our school grounds and looking after the world around us
  • Have developed their understanding of safety using tools and around fires

Ms Nagle

Outdoor Learning Leader